As a personal trainer for over 12 years now, I often get into conversations with people about exercise. Not surprising, I know. People tell me all the time that they don’t have the energy or motivation to work out. I understand. I have a 9-month old that keeps me busy and exhausted all the time, not to mention my two older children that are challenges wrapped up as gifts from God :)
However, despite our feeling of tiredness or lack of motivation, working out is what usually clears the brain, reduces stress, and gives people so much energy! The key is to just get started, right now, wherever you’re at! Regular exercise also lowers blood pressure, manages weight, and releases endorphins (natural feel-good chemicals in the brain), among a list of many, many other benefits.
I was reading a list of benefits from taking XYZ vitamins and I couldn’t find ONE THING on the list that wasn’t also a positive side effect of exercise!!
When it comes to encouraging people to find their happy movement (exercise they enjoy), I discover that in order to get anything to stick, we have to look at our motivations and dig deep. Why do I want to exercise? Why don’t I want to exercise? What do I believe to be true about my body image? What do I believe about discipline?
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