
History of Living Wellness

Living Wellness began as a comprehensive solution for Ashley Darkenwald's personal training and fitness club members. The health and wellness arena is constantly growing and changing, and Ashley recognized the need for a baseline resource that clients could reference for their nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle questions. This became the book known as the award-winning Living Wellness, which gave those seeking to start a healthy lifestyle the knowledge and tools they needed.

The enthusiasm and feedback from readers made it clear that the next step for Living Wellness was that it become an individual or small-group study with a focus on encouragement and support. Living Wellness for Growth Groups provides a resource for facilitates to lead healthy small groups around the country.

This effort has culminated into creating a new award-winning book, Living Wellness for Growth Groups, which brings the simplicity of the first book into a comprehensive week-by-week, daily structure for individuals and small groups to follow.


What Living Wellness is not:

  • We are not a multi-level marketing company

  • We do not promote or sell outside products or services (supplements, oils, etc.)

  • We do not sell packaged food or diet products